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    Sofia’s world of magic

    Sofia’s world of magic

    2010 - 48 episodios


    Genre: Children

    Languages: Spanish

    Audience: Children, Family, Young


    Sofia's World of Magic is a story that will be told through the eyes of Sofia and narrate how she faces the unknown, doing so with the curiosity of one who does not understand why adults seem to be experts in complicating everything when life can be so simple. To do so she will use interpretations fed by the stories her grandfather used to read to her when they lived together and that now her father will have to read to her from time to time. It will be in the world of books and films she grew up with that Sofia will find likenesses and similarities. From there also, she will imagine happy endings and new horizons for the paths that the adults go down. That is why there is no doubt in her mind that Anabela is in fact the reincarnation of Cruella DeVille, that Leonor of Aquitania can transform herself into a beautiful princess like Cinderella and that her father is the spitting imagine of that Don Quixote her grandfather told her so much about. (La Magia de Sofía).

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