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    The President’s   Wife

    The President’s Wife

    1997 - 60 episodios


    Genre: Dramas, Soap Operas / telenovelas, Thrillers

    Languages: Spanish

    Audience: Adults


    At Concorde Airline, a party is being held for the whole staff. For this company, there works Carlos Alberto Buendia, a systems engineer of 35 years old and a good person. Susana Acero, the company’s president’s wife, who apparently has everything a woman needs to be happy, asks Carlos Alberto to dance. Seductively, she suggests that they see each other again later on. The following day, she arrives at Carlos Alberto’s house and they make love. Carlos Alberto offers her a cup of coffee. While drinking it, Susana, still half-naked, drops dead in the bedroom. Carlos Alberto, frightened out of his mind, hides Susana Acero’s body under the bed. Right then, Adriana Guerrero, Concorde’s young receptionist, who has recently married Carlos Alberto on the sly, arrives and tells him that Susana Acero seems to have vanished. Meanwhile, Francisco de Paula Acero, Concorde’s president, a powerful man that strongly believes money can buy everything and also an unfaithful husband that leads a double life in every sense, notices his wife is nowhere to be found and begins searching for her. That night, Carlos Alberto takes Susana’s body out of the house and with a spade he borrows from a nearby construction site, he drives to the outskirts where he buries the body. Carlos Alberto is later accused of having killed Susana and is put in prison from where he runs away to prove his innocence. What caused Susana’s sudden death? What is hiding behind this story? (La mujer del presidente).

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