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    The War of The Roses

    The War of The Roses

    1999 - 161 episodios


    Genre: Dramas, Romance

    Languages: Spanish

    Audience: Family


    Rosa Maria always knew that she would need to struggle hard to pull through in life. Putting in a lot of effort, she will manage to study and work at the same time doing all kinds of jobs. At university, she meets Rosa Emilia, who will become her best friend and, by a trick of fate, her sworn enemy as well. Rosa Emilia is the daughter of an unscrupulous politician that has amassed a big fortune. They soon become close friends despite their different socio-economic backgrounds and they forge sort of a “partnership” to their mutual benefit: Rosa Emilia helps Rosa Maria financially while the latter helps her friend with her studies. At the graduation ball, both Rosas meet the man that will change their lives for good: Ricardo Diaz, a middle-class civil engineer that works at Mr. Hildebrando’s company. Hildebrando has always felt attraction for Rosa Maria, whom he met for the first time when he was still very poor. Besides being good looking, Ricardo has a reputation for being a womanizer and a lover of easy life. Ricardo falls in love with Rosa Maria but he cannot avoid thinking that Rosa Emilia –who will not stop making passes at him- can guarantee him a solid financial future. Hildebrando finds out about the secret romance his employee has with Rosa Maria, who at this stage works in his company too. Hurt, Hildebrando decides to take his revenge. For that purpose, he makes her sign certain documents that will cause her to end up behind bars. After being released, Rosa Maria will get at the truth and wage a war against those who harmed her big time. She will pay her enemies back in kind by deceiving them. This way, both Rosas will become immersed in a struggle for love, loyalty and justice. (La guerra de las rosas).

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