After overcoming one of the most difficult stages in his life, when his innocence is proved in the case of Susana de Acero´s murder (the wife of the president of the company where he worked 15 years ago), Carlos Alberto Buendía is now a man who tries to live a very normal existence, where his family life, next to his wife Adriana and his daughter Verónica, is what matters the most in the world. However, in Storcom, the company where he works as chief of the computer department, the arrival of a new partner causes several employees to be fired. But for his surprise, he´s asked to be the next president of the company. He must decide immediately, but right now, he doesn´t have the right mind to do it because, besides suffering a recent assault in which he almost lost his life, he has received a phone call that he hasn´t been able to assimilate: Susana de Acero, the same woman who he supposedly murdered years ago, wants to warn him that his family is in great danger. His life will become, once again, the worst hell. Somebody has been searching in his past and he doesn´t have the luxury to risk what he loves most in this world; now he will begin a tireless search to find as soon as possible whomever is behind all this, before it´s too late. But it won´t be easy, because the only person who is capable of perpetrating such revenge, has been dead for several years: Francisco de Paula Acero, the deceased Susana´s husband. But, if it´s not him, then, who can it be? Carlos Alberto thought that he paid more than he should have for his mistakes. But sometimes, the past isn´t completely buried and, for some people, reviving it will be the perfect plan to do what the justice system wasn´t able to do: making him pay the bad way for a crime he didn´t commit. (El Laberinto).