Millennial Arcade is a digital animation series developed by Cánido Estudio, created by Ángel Martínez, and produced by Angie Parra. It portrays the dilemmas and problems of Fry-Lance: a millennial medieval warrior who lives in a universe shaped by video games like Fortnite, League of Legends, Mario Kart, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, or Mario Kart. Alongside his best friend/cell phone, Sari, he faces all the enemies of the Colombian millennial: the friend zone, low wages, social benefits, finding a job, phone addiction, and digital life. Angie Parra was one of the top Bammers at the Bogota Audiovisual Market 2018 (BAM), and from there, she teamed up with Shock to develop Millennial Arcade.