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    La Fábrica de Cracks

    La Fábrica de Cracks

    2019 - 8 episodios

    Genre: Life Style, Soccer

    Languages: Spanish

    Audience: Family, Young


    Football is a great sport that anyone can get involved in and enjoy playing. The dream of many children around the world is to become a footballer and, above all, to be the best. That's why 'the factory of stars' brings you the step-by-step guide to mastering the best moves so you can outplay your opponent.

    Our Team

    Lisette Osorio

    Lisette Osorio


    Vice President of International Business
    150 Alhambra Circle,
    Suite # 1250. Miami, FL, 33134 USA
    +1 305 960 2018

    Daniel Segredo

    Daniel Segredo


    International Sales Director
    150 Alhambra Circle,
    Suite #1250, Coral Gables, FL 33134
    +1 305 960 2018

    Paloma García

    Paloma García

    Europe & Africa

    Director of Sales for Europe and Africa
    c/ Agastia , 80.
    28043 Madrid
    + 3 491 794 0600 | +3 469 602 5645

    Jesús Iriépar Murillo

    Jesús Iriépar Murillo

    Europe, Middle East & Asia

    International Sales Executive
    c/ Agastia , 80.
    28043 Madrid
    +3 491 069 1291 | +3 464 846 5440

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