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    A Carnival Affair-movie

    A Carnival Affair-movie



    Genre: Comedias, Comedies, Romance

    Languages: Spanish

    Audience: Adults, Family


    In A Carnival Affair, Alejandro is a rich young man from the capital whom has a special aversion for people from the coastal part of his country and for their loudly customs. Nonetheless, Alejandro never imagined that a confession from his mother’s death bed would completely destroy his life: the man he knew as his father was not really his father and he is in reality the son of a “carnival night” in other words the product of a passionate one night stand in the Barranquilla Carnival. Alejandro, now the son of a complete stranger and without any other information besides a nickname and a costume, starts a journey to the Barranquilla Carnival where he will become everything he always hated and that never wanted to be. A trip to rejoin his roots in which he will lose even his last name, while the most authentic and honest part of his being flourishes. (Polvo Carnavalero Película).

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