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    Production services

    Production services

    With more than 1,800 hours of content produced per year and extensive international experience, Caracol Televisión is a leader in content in Spanish and a pioneer in the world.Our productions have traveled around the world, becoming a seal of quality that generates trends on a global level.

    Related productions

    Caracol Televisión’s service portfolio covers all stages of production, from content development to delivery of the finished product.We have a graphic team, made up of more than 30 artists, that guarantees the best quality in visual effects for television, cinema and advertising, to produce in 4k and HD.

    More than 5,370 m2 of studios

    26 projects at once, combining fiction, entertainment, and news.

    37 editing rooms

    12 music rooms

    4 completion rooms in 4k.

    With the Colombian film law 1556 of 2012, projects carried out in the country receive benefits such as credits and cash refunds of up to 40% of film expenses and 20% of logistics expenses.Our team has specialized in managing resources within the framework of these incentives, to optimize the budget execution of projects and offer great advantages to its allies.

    Our Team

    Lisette Osorio

    Lisette Osorio


    Vice President of International Business
    150 Alhambra Circle,
    Suite # 1250. Miami, FL, 33134 USA
    +1 305 960 2018

    Daniel Segredo

    Daniel Segredo


    International Sales Director
    150 Alhambra Circle,
    Suite #1250, Coral Gables, FL 33134
    +1 305 960 2018

    Paloma García

    Paloma García

    Europe & Africa

    Director of Sales for Europe and Africa
    c/ Agastia , 80.
    28043 Madrid
    + 3 491 794 0600 | +3 469 602 5645

    Jesús Iriépar Murillo

    Jesús Iriépar Murillo

    Europe, Middle East & Asia

    International Sales Executive
    c/ Agastia , 80.
    28043 Madrid
    +3 491 069 1291 | +3 464 846 5440