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    Luna, the Heiress Dubbed to French

    Luna, the Heiress Dubbed to French

    2004 - 120 episodios



    Languages: French



    The story revolves around the love between Luna, a young woman from a small village on the coast, who has to leave her house and everything she has when her mother is murdered, and Mauricio Garcia, a successful and passionate man who plans to take his revenge for an event that took place in the past. While seeking revenge, Mauricio finds out that Esteban Lombardo, his sworn enemy, is interested in the lands that belong to Luna to build a tourist complex there, something that Luna would never consent to. Therefore, Mauricio decides to help Luna’s mother so she does not have to sell her lands, without knowing that Lombardo’s interest in those lands is such that the woman ends up dying for refusing to sell them. Luna is then left all alone and is very resentful since she blames Mauricio for everything that has happened. She arrives in the city looking for help, but she can not go back to her village because she is suspected of having murdered her mother. In distress and disappointment, she meets Rodrigo Lombardo, who falls madly in love with her. Mauricio finds Luna in the city and tries to help her but he realizes she is having an affair with Rodrigo Lombardo, the son of his sworn enemy and the man Mauricio thinks is responsible for the death of Luna’s mother. Thanks to a male designer with a feminine soul, Luna becomes a model. Secretly protected by Mauricio Garcia, the man that has won her heart though her reason does not admit it, she manages to succeed in this world, although she keeps wishing to go back home and find out who is to blame for her mother’s death. The love story between Luna and Mauricio goes through envies, manipulations and lots of passion. (Luna, la heredera).

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