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    Under the Lights: Pelé

    Under the Lights: Pelé


    Genre: Soccer

    Languages: Spanish

    Audience: Family


    Pelé was a prodigy that played with "ginga". As a child he played insistently in the favelas as of Sao Paolo, he developed perfect balance, unique vision, and an unimaginable control of the ball that left everyone breathless. The King Pelé, as he was referred to by all Brazilians after winning the country's first World Cup in 1958, is the OLDEST LIVING LEGEND in all of sports. He is a global icon, and idol to so many, not only for the exceptional athlete was but for the human being he is. A true role model for so many around the world. Sabbatical's latest production is highlighted by remastered in game footage of Pelé's most legendary goals for Brazil throughout his indelible career. (Desde las gradas: Pelé).

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    Lisette Osorio

    Lisette Osorio


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    150 Alhambra Circle,
    Suite # 1250. Miami, FL, 33134 USA
    +1 305 960 2018

    Daniel Segredo

    Daniel Segredo


    International Sales Director
    150 Alhambra Circle,
    Suite #1250, Coral Gables, FL 33134
    +1 305 960 2018

    Paloma García

    Paloma García

    Europe & Africa

    Director of Sales for Europe and Africa
    c/ Agastia , 80.
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    + 3 491 794 0600 | +3 469 602 5645

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    Europe, Middle East & Asia

    International Sales Executive
    c/ Agastia , 80.
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    +3 491 069 1291 | +3 464 846 5440

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