This new reality musical show format innovates by combining the tension of a reality show with the impactful staging and adrenaline of a musical competition. La Descarga lands with a blast of technology and delirious rhythm that promises to dazzle audiences. In this program, four musical icons will combine their talent with that of the contestants and will game out a strategy to build the best teams. The contestants who are part of the selection of each jury member will arrive at the musical camp where they will test their talent, ability to coexist, and even more. In this temple, will they have evil thoughts? Will they honor friendship? Will they lie? Will they love their neighbors? Will peace reign? Each mentor will visit their team and choose 5 participants to sing in the studio. When the time comes for the performances, each mentor will choose the contestant they have most liked-their chosen one. In turn, the other three mentors will pick the singer they liked the least, and that person will be eliminated. This process will be repeated with each of the mentors. Later on, once the four chosen by each team are in place, they will sing a duet with their mentors. This performance will be uploaded to the La Descarga website, where viewers can vote for their favorite song. The performance with the most votes wins a cash prize, and its contestant moves on to the competition. The public will elect the winner from the 4 finalists, 1 for each mentor! (La Descarga).