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    Show Business TV

    Show Business TV



    Genre: Variety Entertainment

    Languages: Spanish

    Audience: Family


    “Show Business TV”, the entertainment program with fresh content, fun and filled with news, music and the events in Latin American and world show business; is back for its sixth season. In this opportunity, “Show Business TV” will be hosted by Gaby Acuña and Daniel Carles, who will present a new face with segments dedicated to each taste and audience preference. From the youngest to the more adult ones, who will be able to enjoy a pleasant, family oriented and entertaining program. From its own studios in Wynwood Art District, in the city of Miami, Florida, “Show Business TV” will have the presence of the stars, celebrities, groups, actors, actresses and singers of the moment, complemented with the latest news and information which covers all the areas in entertainment.

    Our Team

    Lisette Osorio

    Lisette Osorio


    Vice President of International Business
    150 Alhambra Circle,
    Suite # 1250. Miami, FL, 33134 USA
    +1 305 960 2018

    Daniel Segredo

    Daniel Segredo


    International Sales Director
    150 Alhambra Circle,
    Suite #1250, Coral Gables, FL 33134
    +1 305 960 2018

    Paloma García

    Paloma García

    Europe & Africa

    Director of Sales for Europe and Africa
    c/ Agastia , 80.
    28043 Madrid
    + 3 491 794 0600 | +3 469 602 5645

    Jesús Iriépar Murillo

    Jesús Iriépar Murillo

    Europe, Middle East & Asia

    International Sales Executive
    c/ Agastia , 80.
    28043 Madrid
    +3 491 069 1291 | +3 464 846 5440

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