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    Laughing around the world 2023

    Laughing around the world 2023

    2024 - 24 episodios

    Genre: Comedias, Comedies, Reality - Tv / Competition, Variety Entertainment

    Languages: Spanish

    Audience: Family


    For this season, the comedy program is presented by comedian Santiago Rodríguez, and has 6 couples, made up of a comedian and a hostess, who will do their thing in different places around the world such as Bali, Kuala Lumpur, Osaka, Kyoto, France, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Austria, Spain, Ibiza, Bariloche, Argentina and Bolivia. There they will learn about the local culture, its typical food, and visit the most emblematic places. Adapting to other cultures will be one of the challenges that the crew of this flight will have to take on. (La Vuelta al Mundo en 80 Risas 2023).

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