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    2006 - 15 episodios


    Genre: Thrillers

    Languages: Spanish

    Audience: Adults


    The Ruiz family earns their living with the transportation business. They own a taxi and a freight truck with which they work locally, in some popular neighborhoods where they feel very much at ease. However, insecurity in the streets is growing so rapidly that hold-ups and robberies have become rife. One night, Luis Ruiz, the father, is the victim of an armed theft during which he gets killed. Before dying, he begs his son Alejandro for help over the radiotelephone. Alejandro tries in vain to aid Luis, who dies before anyone can manage to help him. Devastated after his father died an unfair death, Alejandro undergoes a radical change. He decides to avenge his father’s murder by his own ways and means. This man that hates weapons and can not bear violence, will make of the use of weapons and violence not only his everyday tools but also the pillars on which, he thinks, is based his mission in life from now onwards: to impose good by destroying evil. Soon Alejandro Ruiz discovers his father’s murderers and decides to become an avenger. As a matter of fact, his revenge is thoroughly carried out when one of his father’s murderers is killed by the bullets Alejandro fires. From then on, he selfimposes the mission of wiping out criminals and all those that pose a threat to good people. A detective story full of investigations and chases that will stage alleged “paladins” who cry out for individual justice until they turn into psychopaths.

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