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    Carnival Love

    Carnival Love

    2011 - 41 episodios


    Genre: Romance

    Languages: Spanish

    Audience: Family


    Andy Slebi, is a young man from Baranquilla, he is smart, successful, and has always had luck on his side, he has made it big playing North American baseball with the Marlins of Florida. At 24 years old he is where he wants to be, and thanks to his hard work in sports, he is now in a position to make millions of dollars through his contract, and above all to make his dream of playing for the New York Yankees a reality. Everything seems to be going as planned until his talents as a seductor and Latin lover, lead him to commit a huge mistake and become involved with Yody, the daughter of Joe Danovitch–the owner of the team–who after warning him and making it explicit in his contract to not get involved with his daughter, immediately destroys his career. (Amor de Carnaval).

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